Fujinomiya Trail on Mount Fuji

Strong wind on the shortest, steepest Mount Fuji ascent


Todos los senderos hacia la cima y las instalaciones públicas están cerrados durante invierno a partir del 11 de Septiembre. Para obtener la última información, consulte <a href =" "http://www.fujisan-climb.jp/en/current_status.html" > aquí </a>.

Latest on Monte Fuji

At 5 kilometers from the Fifth Station, the Fujinomiya Trail is the shortest route to the summit of Mount Fuji. It takes an average time of 5 hours to reach the summit, and 3.5 hours to descend. At the beginning of the climbing season in July I went there to conquer Japan's most famous mountain. We arrived at the Fifth station early in the morning and allowed ourselves the recommended hour to adjust to the altitude, then began the ascent. Unfortunately strong winds made us decide to turn back at the Seventh Station, but it was still a great experience. Better luck next time!

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