English Tours at Kumamoto Castle

Japan's great southern fortress


Como resultado del terremoto de Abril del 2016, el castillo de Kumamoto sufrió graves daños. Si bien los terrenos interiores permanecen cerrados por renovaciones, la fortaleza se puede admirar desde el exterior a través de una ruta especial de 400 m los Domingos, días festivos nacionales y algunos Sábados. Se espera que la fortaleza interior vuelva a abrir en la primavera del 2021, aunque se espera que las renovaciones en todo el sitio demoren décadas.

Latest on Castillo Kumamoto

Kumamoto Castle is a magnificent castle located in Kumamoto Prefecture, inside the Kyushu region. It is the symbol of the city and has been for nearly 400 years. Although the main structures of the castle are concrete reconstructions, there are several areas where original buildings still stand.

Easily accessed by train then bus, or use of the inexpensive parking lot, the city has made enjoying the castle incredible easy. In addition to being near several other tourist attractions such as museums, the castle site has made sure most tourists can properly learn about the castle's history with pamphlets in Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean. To learn the castle's secrets however, I highly recommend signing up for a free tour (in Japanese or English only). The tours can be signed up for on the spot without advance reservations. Tours are held throughout the day with a few every hour. And again, they are free!!

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