The Tenjin area is the main spot for shopping, entertainment, and all the fun stuff in Fukuoka City. However, Tenjin Chikagai, a southern European style shopping mall in the heart of the city underneath Watanabe-dori, is a place you're sure to spend some time. Near Ark Hotel Royal and connected to Tenjin Station, Tenjin-minami Station, Nishitetsu Fukuoka Tenjin Station and other major shopping centers like Shintencho, Vivre, Core, and the IMS Building, this mall is the place where everyone flocks to fulfill their individual duty. Tired of walking under the harsh weather outside? Take one step into this underground Eden, and you won’t be able to come out anymore.
Tenjin Chikagai in Fukuoka City
The southern European style underground mall

Por Haruka Saijo
Community writer

Stained glass advertising Fukuoka Bank

A row of stained glass

A stained glass column adding to the southern European atmosphere

Tenjin Chikagai is dark because of the southern European theater concept

No need to worry because there are signs once in a while locating the buildings and stations

Yes, there's always a Hello Kitty shop—great for Hello Kitty lovers; it's not a Sanrio shop, and they only sell Hello Kitty goods

Tenjin Station is directly connected to Tenjin Chikagai (as are Tenjin-minami and Fukuoka Tenjin Stations)

This open area near Tenjin Station is a common meeting area (Créditos de foto: Tristan Scholze)

There are several maps of Tenjin Chikagai along the underground mall; they're very clear and very helpful

Some shops have a traditional Japanese exterior

Advertising in Tenjin Chikagai really works, especially since almost 400,000 people pass through every day

The security office looks classy as well

The red sign says there's currently a bargain sale—obviously it's like any other shopping mall

Classic telephone boxes
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