Sonohyan Utaki World Heritage Site

The sacred stone gate of Shuri Kings


Una cantidad significativa de los edificios principales del castillo fueron incendiados en las primeras horas del 31 de Octubre de 2019. El sitio está <strong> cerrado al público por el momento </strong>, pero el parque del Castillo Shurijo ha sido reabierto parcialmente desde entonces. Las autoridades apuntan a tener un plan de reconstrucción listo para 2022.

Latest on Castillo Shuri

Resting between Shuri Castle and Tamaudun Royal Mausoleum along Samukawa Dori is another sacred site of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

Sonohyan Utaki was the royal stone gate used by the King as both a place of prayer and as an exit when departing to visit his people. It originally consisted of an expansive grove of shrubs and trees that has since given way to development.

The stone gate was badly damaged during World War II but has since been restored. It was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000. Admission is free.

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