Firewalking preparations at Mt Takao (Photo: Clint / (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0))
Mar 9th
Firewalking preparations at Mt Takao (Photo: Clint / (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0))

Fire-walking Festival at Mt. Takao 2025

Hiwatari-sai at Yakuoin Temple

Sunday - Mar 9th 2025

Atop Mt Takao in west Tokyo on the second Sunday of March each year, witness the impressive spectacle that is fire-walking held at Yakuoin Temple. As yamabushi monks bravely walk barefoot over the hot coals while chanting, praying for safety and cleansing themselves from impurities.

Onlookers can also participate in the ceremony once the main fire itself has been put out, when it is generally safer to visitors to take part.

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Encuentra más sobre Yakuoin Temple

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