Oct 13th
Oct 25th

Sabon X Hotta-yu Pop-up Public Bath 2023

A limited time onsen event in Tokyo

Hotta-yu sento
Oct 13th - Oct 25th 2023

Sabon is a renowned luxury skincare company founded in 1997, and they are known for their range of indulgent bath, body, and skincare products. 2023 marks Sabon's 15th anniversary of retail operations in Japan, and to celebrate this the company is hosting a fun onsen pop-up event in Tokyo.

Taking place at the 80-year-old Hotta-yu sento, the event includes a variety of aesthetic flower and butterfly displays that elevate the entire bathhouse experience. Sabon products will also be used for the baths, including their signature patchouli, lavender, and vanilla scented bath powder.

If you want to stock up on products, there will be a variety of Sabon items available for purchase at the venue – some of them are exclusive to the event and won't be for sale elsewhere.

Photo: Sabon Japan Co. Ltd

If you do plan on attending, please note that the operating hours differ from weekdays to weekends:

  • Weekdays 14:00-24:00
  • Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays 8:00-24:00

Cómo llegar

Hotta-yu sento is located 7 minutes on foot from Nishiarai Station, which is served by the Tobu Skytree Line.

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