Shikoku Pilgrimage: Temple No. 11

The beginning of a steep path

The 11th temple, Fujii-dera Temple, is located at the foot of a mountain close to the town of Kamojima. Although this temple was established by Kobo-daishi, it’s a Zen-temple now. The word “Fuji” means wisteria. Of course, these pretty flowers are planted in the garden, attracting travelers and pilgrims (and bees) in May.

The path and road of the pilgrimage become tough at this temple. The walking path to the next temple is known as “Henro-korogasi”, which means 'very steep'. Even for vehicles, this narrow, rough road may be hard to drive along.

The mountain path starts in front of the main hall, and leads you to the next temple. As the penetralia is along the way, I prayed to Buddha here for a safe trip and stepped forward towards the next one.

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